Now I need to know how to uninstall a second instance of Steam client w/o clpbbering the first. By mixing a dark reimagining of a literary classic with stylish combat and rock-solid platforming, EA and Spicy Horse have created a gaming experience quite unlike any other. And there's no way I'm paying 20 bux for ancient abandonware that EA won't even allow on GOG. Join Now for instant access to Alice Madness Returns and other best-loved titles from EA, plus a 10 member discount and member-only content. 92 Alice: Madness Returns reminds me a lot of classic N64 platformers like Mario 64 and Banjo Kazooie in the best of ways. I thank you for your effort but it was a complete no-go. So I put it on the R: drive and got what I wrote above. Oh, additionally, the way microsoft has messed up winblows 10, you don't dare install on the C: drive because then you get Read only folders which can't be made otherwise. BTW, If you look in your Steam Library, ole Alice ain't there (to play or download). I did that and dbl-clkd the Alice icon and a second instance of Steam installed itself and from then on, every time you launch the Alice2 executable, Steam launches instead. I googled it and got - The error is often caused by the game’s installation not being in the same folder as the Steam’s installation, causing the error to be solved by placing a copy of the Steam executable in the folder or by linking it using certain commands in Command Prompt. I tried to run this and got Application Load Error 5:0000065434 which means it wants to link to the steam account or something like that.